CARE Village

The CARE village is an aged care community offering hospital, rest home and dementia-level care but with a unique model. It is based on the Dutch De Hogeweyk concept and designed to replicate a small-scale New Zealand town to create as normal a life as possible for people in care, including those with dementia.

Trade Central

Veros was brought on to help local iwi Pukeroa Oruawhata Group better utilise an underperforming land asset and generate jobs and economic development in Rotorua. After undertaking a comprehensive highest and best use assessment process, a large scale mixed-use retail offering was determined to be ideal use of the site.

The Orchard

The Orchard is a 50 lot new residential community in Tauranga’s rural hinterland. Initially presented as a kiwifruit orchard in a prime urban location, Veros has undertaken full development of the land to create 50 new residential lots.

The Lofts

The iconic Tauranga Hotel on site since 1930, was identified as highly earthquake prone necessitating its demolition. In its place, JWL Investments sought to develop an equally iconic landmark building to play a part in the revitalisation of The Strand.